Hmmmmmm, where do I begin, after I spent my whole day on the computer yesterday, watching shows, creeping videos. I get a call from my mother saying: "Sorry hunnie, I'm gonna be late coming home, the car died, and grandpa has to pick me up." Yes, typical for our household, of course we can't afford to just go out and buy a new car, so we are stuck using my grandpas 13 year old toyota chevrolet or whatever, but its this little old grandpa car, that now we have to drive around in. What did we do to deserve this? My mother will ask, and she still doesn't know the answer after years of asking it.
As I sit here watching 'Dear John', crying as he gets shot, I'm trying to think up an answer myself for that question, the best I can come up with, is bad luck, we get the pee dogs, we get the broken toilets, we get the problem car, we get the cat with diabetes, and I could go on!! So yup, I guess the best answer I can think of for all this, is just plain ol' bad luck.
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